Legal Education
Legal Survival Kit - For Students
This free programme is designed to help students understand the rights, obligations & responsibilities of transitioning from a youth to an adult. Not knowing how to move forward as a member of the adult community can be confusing, with this programme property ownership, financial responsibility, responsibilities as a registered voter as well as dealing with our laws and the officers upholding them are explained.
Specially designed for Secondary School Students, First Year Tertiary Students (national & international)and Alternative Education Institutions.
It has been developed in such a way that it will encourage today’s youth to make informed, conscious and positive choices when moving into the “big wide world”. Our expected outcomes of this programme are outlined in the Survival Kit Booklet.
Some of the subjects covered in the programme are Tenancy Law, Employment Law, NZ Legal Systems, Consumer Law, Youth Rights and dealing with the Police.
Law In Schools
Our FREE “Law in Schools” programme is designed to spread awareness of laws that apply to youth and youth rights.
This programme will cover Youth rights, Cyber law (internet safety), Bullying, School discipline, Truancy, Youth & the Police, Consumer, Tenancy and Employment.
One of the objectives is to provide Legal Education to community groups or organisations in our service area.
This is a free service, however, we prefer at least ten participants per session.
Sessions can range from 1 hour to 2 hours depending on your availability. We will fit the length of the sessions around a time frame that is suitable for your group or organisation whenever possible.
We provide education sessions in the following areas of law:
Neighbourhood Disputes
Youth Rights
Enduring Powers of Attorney
Care of Children Disputes
WINZ Entitlements
Family Violence
Māori Land
The New Zealand Legal System
Legal Education Booklets
For more information on any of our legal education services please contact our legal education coordinators on (09) 274 4966 or by clicking here.
If your group/organisation would like to register for one or more of our legal education sessions please complete the request form below.
If you are an individual that wishes to request education sessions please subscribe to our mailing list that will inform you of our updated public legal education sessions.
(Please note that the information collected on this form will be used to send information about upcoming seminars and for general seminar administration purposes. Your information will not be used for any other purpose.)